How To Order In EasySMX

  • Step 1

① Select the product attributes and quantity you need;


② Click on "Add to cart";


③ If you have a Paypal account, you can click on "Buy with PayPal" for quick checkout.

  • Step 2

In cart drawer

① Confirm your product;


② Click on "PayPal" for quick checkout, if you have a Paypal account;


③ Click on "Check out" if you are ready to place the order.


① Click on the cart icon on the header to enter the cart page;


Confirm your product;


② Click on "Check out" if you are ready to place the order;


③ Click on "PayPal" for quick checkout, if you have a Paypal account.

  • Step 3

① Fill in your information;


② Apply a coupon;


③ Click on "Contineue to shipping".

  • Step 4

① Select a shipping method;


②Click on "Contineue to payment".

  • Step 5

① Select a payment method;


② Click on "Pay now".


  • We will begin to process your order upon receipt of your payment and an email will be sent to you for order confirmation then.
  • You may check order status and track the parcel(s) in My Orders after logging in your account on our site.